I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.
- Walt Disney
"Martin is born to be an entertainer. He began honing his passion for the stage from a young age of 18. He is a compere, magician, juggler, mime, clown and an entertainer.
Having studied clownology at the University of Lacrosse Wisconsin, and 'Eccentric Clowning' at the Celebration Barn in USA, Martin today performs at most reputed venues and clients across the country and abroad as 'Flubber' the clown.
Flubber performs at carnivals, events, corporate family days, events, special appearances, movies, advt. films and reality shows. Flubber also creates musicals and circus productions for schools and special events."
Prateek Tandon. Head of Events,
Sahara Group.
Having studied clownology at the University of Lacrosse Wisconsin, and 'Eccentric Clowning' at the Celebration Barn in USA, Martin today performs at most reputed venues and clients across the country and abroad as 'Flubber' the clown.
Flubber performs at carnivals, events, corporate family days, events, special appearances, movies, advt. films and reality shows. Flubber also creates musicals and circus productions for schools and special events."
Prateek Tandon. Head of Events,
Sahara Group.